Compliant Biomass Feedstock, Finished Fuels,

and Production Methods

Woody Biomass Feedstock

The AEG Business Plan is driven by the development of a Residual Biomass Supply Region which is supported by a bona fide Global Renewable Transportation Fuel Consumption Zone. For this inaugural project, AEG established a residual biomass feedstock Supply Region in the US Region defined as Southern Tennessee, Georgia and North Florida. The feedstock is classified as “urban” residual woody biomass.

The State of Georgia (and the neighboring adjacent land), is the third largest tree-growing region in the US. Therefore, natural and prolific foliage growth occurs in any exposed land. AEG has contracted a network of 9x “waste” biomass Collection Facilities with a replacement cost of $150 million. Biomass residues are classified as landscape trimmings, storm damaged wood and City Park & Recreational Maintenance waste.


100% of our feedstock is naturally occurring waste wood that is landfill diverted. The current volume (>9.5 million tons per annum) is renewable & sustainable for 20+ years. Woody biomass waste streams originate from backyard tree trimming and maintenance; Parks & Recreation maintenance; and storm damaged or diseased trees.

AEG has a proprietary waste biomass cleaning, sizing and refining technology; and for that reason, we can accept “dirty/soiled” biomass that is rejected by our competitors. Our engineered feedstock processing regimen is designed to optimize the reaction efficiency of the conversion reactor. This is accomplished by precision drying & customized chip.

Biomass residues precisely sized and dried to feedstock compliance standards.

Compliance Certifications

ARC ECOfuel is CERTIFIED in the UK as a double count, double certificate Development Fuel under the UK Government’s Renewable Transport Fuel (dRTF) Obligation to deliver renewable fuels to the UK as a percentage of total fuel sales.

Currently, that valuation of a new generation Renewable Diesel Fuel under the dRTF subsidy compliance specifications is the highest RTF valuation globally. ARC ECO fuel compliance with the dRTF  standard generates 80 Pence/Liter of fuel introduced into the UK fuel supply. It qualifies for 2 certificates for each liter sold resulting in an overall subsidy of 160 Pence/Liter. The total subsidy fluctuates around $7-$8 USD per gallon based on currency exchange rates.

The true value of a new generation RTF is in its carbon reduction profile. The ARC ECOfuel engineering criteria is customized to meet the “value characteristics” defined by the distribution/consumption market zones. The ARC Fuel also is in compliance with international on-road diesel fuel specifications.

  • Feedstock Certification
    • The feedstock will also be ISCC accredited and undergo annual compliance audits.
  • Plant Certification
    • Each manufacturing facility will be ISCC accredited and undergo annual compliance audits
  • Control Union Certification for ISCC Compliance
  • EN 590
  • EN 15940
  • ASTM D975